Wednesday, September 16, 2015

New School Year Underway, Old School Remembered

History 3History 4History 5History 1Many changes have come to the school in Kenyon-Wanamingo over the years. The technology initiative has brought tablets or Chromebooks to the classroom and the internet is used for research and study tools, taking away many long hours spent in a library. It may seem as though the way things are now may have been that way for a long time, but many of the programs offered at K-W today have not been around for that many years. In the beginning, classes consisted of shorthand, science, English, math, Latin, among a few others. This year offers classes like Spanish, Instrumental Music, Industrial Technology, Business Education, Psychology, Criminal Justice, Child Development, Foods, Interior Design, Fashion Design as well the basic history, science, math and English classes.

Before the consolidation in 1990, Wanamingo High School taught many students over its 73-year history. The school was around before women could vote, before computers, during WWII and Vietnam, before what seems normal now was normal.

A brief history of the old Wanamingo School

The original wood structured elementary schoolhouse in Wanamingo was built in 1907 and a brick building replaced it in 1920. Student classes were small and at this time busses did not exist and cars couldn’t make it through the snow. Being that there was not such a thing as snow days, families took their children to school with their horses and buggy.

A one-year high school began in 1917-1918 school year and the children were taught algebra, history, English, Latin and sewing for the girls. It wasn’t until 4 years later, in 1924, that the school offered it’s first 4-year high school and held a graduation ceremony. There were 11 graduates.

The school offered class plays, operetta, glee club, orchestra, football, kittenball and basketball in the 20’s and some of the classes offered included Latin, French, chemistry and physics. Girls attended these classes even though the officials at the time did not believe girls needed them.

Women’s basketball ran from 1920-1926, until it was disbanded and girls were pressured into more ‘feminine’ sports since basketball was now considered too rough for girls. It wasn’t started again until 1973. Men’s basketball started in 1921.

Football began in 1925 and it wasn’t until 1932 when men’s baseball began. Both teams have continued throughout the history of the Wanamingo Schools with the exception of WWII when no baseball was played until the war was over in 1946. The first athletic banquet was in 1955 and in the same year is when the Wanamingo Alumni Association was formed.

Band started in 1936, Future Homemakers of America (FHA) in 1945, Future Farmers of America (FFA) in 1956 and National Honor Society (NHS) in 1961. A yearbook was not issued until 1943, almost 30 years after the beginnings of Wanamingo High School. A Bachelor’s Home EC class was offered for guys in the 70’s to learn how to iron, fold and cook.

The first foreign exchange student was Somkeng Laungphinith from Laos. The next foreign exchange students were in 1982.

1973 saw more opportunity for girls’ sports with the return of basketball. Volleyball and track also became offered for girls in this year. Softball didn’t start until the 1976-1977 school year.

The first homecoming Queen was Doris Vangsness in 1951 and the first King and Queen were Billy Lund and Kelly Sathrum in 1952. Sno Week began in 1980.

1990 saw the beginnings of the consolidation of Kenyon and Wanamingo schools. Each town had their own elementary and Junior High was in Wanamingo and Senior High in Kenyon.  – By Rebecca Niebur


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