Monday, September 28, 2015

Iranian President Laughs At Republicans And Compares Them To ...

Rouhani Laughing

It is not an exaggeration to assert that America’s reputation around the world has suffered immensely at the hands of various Republicans over at least the past 13 years. In fact, at the United Nations on Saturday, Venezuela’s president Nicolas Maduro rightly attributed the ongoing Syrian humanitarian disaster, civil war, and rise of ISIL to a Republican’s “unjust wars, imperialistic wars, the attempt to control the world, one hegemony trying to impose its view on the world.” It is exactly the reputation that Republicans are enamored with, and every Republican candidate for president has expressed an incredible level of glee at the chance to spread “Republican hegemony” throughout the Middle East; particularly in Iran.

Over the weekend, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that the imbeciles seeking the Republican presidential nomination were so “laughable” that “the people of Iran look at them as a form of entertainment.” Rouhani explained to CNN’s Christiane Amanpour:

Sometimes when I would have time some of the Republican presidential debates were broadcast live and I would watch it. Some of it was quite laughable. It was very strange, the things that they spoke of. Some of them wouldn’t even know where Tehran was in relation to Iran, and some of them wouldn’t know where Iran was geographically, not distinguishing that one is the capital of the other. What they spoke of was quite far away from the truth. So, the people of Iran were looking at it as a form of entertainment, if you will, and found it laughable.”

If it means anything to President Rouhani, a fair number of Americans find Republicans laughable as well, but more than just laughing at Republicans, they are acutely humiliated that Republicans have made America a laughingstock around the world.

In what should have been an Earth-shaking humiliation for Republicans, President Rouhani also took the time, like the Iranian foreign minister negotiating with the United Nations security council members, to reminded Republicans that the P5+1 nuclear agreement with his nation is not just between the U.S. and Iran. Rouhani had to reiterate that “the P5+1” means that other nations are equal partners in the nuclear deal as well. All the Republican candidates for president, and most congressional Republicans and GOP governors, claim they can just tear up the seven-nation international agreement and get on with starting a war with Iran to sate the bloodlust of Israeli Benjamin Netanyahu and America’s anti-Muslim followers of Christ.

President Rouhani rhetorically asked:

Can a government become a signatory to an international agreement and then the subsequent government tear it to shreds? This is something that only the likes of Saddam Hussein would do. So, any government that replaces the current government must keep itself committed to the commitments given by the previous administration. Otherwise, that government, that entire country, will lose trust internationally.”

Back in March, after traitorous Republicans sent an open letter to Iranian hardliners pledging a war on Israel’s behalf, Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif had to take some time and give the GOP a rudimentary American civics lesson; one they should have learned in the eighth grade. Zarif said, “It seems that the Republicans not only do not understand international law, but they are not fully cognizant of the nuances of their own Constitution when it comes to presidential powers in the conduct of foreign policy.”

It is possible that Mr. Zarif is not as familiar with Republicans as he might think he is. Republicans are fully cognizant of presidential powers and foreign policy; if the president is a white Republican and Israeli sycophant. As servants to an Israeli leader, Republicans have never recognized an African American President who is loyal to America or his constitutional authority to conduct foreign or domestic policy. It is not that Republicans are ignorant of the U.S. Constitution, they just do not subscribe to any of its tenets that prohibit them from ruling America.

After nearly six years of illogical, mean-spirited, and cruelty unique to Republicans, Americans should be habituated to being humiliated. However, this year while the Iranian President and Iranian people are laughing at Republican malcontents, many others from around the world are appalled like every civilized American. Of course, most of the damage to America’s reputation at the moment comes from the overwhelming support among conservatives for a “vile, woman-hating, ‘big-time’ wrestling celebrity, and reality TV star” who has based his entire campaign on the conservative movement’s lust for ethnic cleansing.

If Iran’s president and Iranians are laughing at Republican candidates, and there is every reason to believe they are, the global reaction to Trump’s popularity and support is nothing short of abject disgust; and not just because Trump is an iconic “native son of a country that worships selfishness above empathy, corporate interests over justice, and notoriety over prestige.” According to French author Marie-Cecile Naves, Donald Trump embodies every aspect of “the ugly American” the rest of the world has learned to despise. Naves said, “Trump represents the America we love to hate. He is our negative mirror image, a man we see as brutal, who worships money and lacks culture — someone who lets us feel a bit superior about being European.”

Naves’ point is well taken because besides Donald Trump, the teabaggers and Republicans have made decent Americans feel inferior to the rest of the world’s semi-intelligent human beings and societies not bent on cruel brutality and barbarism. It is a tragedy that although America’s reputation has improved since Barack Obama has been President, the rest of the world fully comprehends that one political party is both a riotous circus act and danger to humanity; all at the same time.

One might think that a nation like Iran mocking Republican idiocy would humble conservatives and convince them to re-evaluate their extremism, seeming stupidity, and predilection to war. However, this is the 21st Century Republican Party and they embrace those traits as a badge of honor and worse, it is highly likely that when Iranian President Rouhani likened them to cruel dictator Saddam Hussein, they cheered wildly in concert with their equally cruel base of support.

About Rmuse (1,766 Posts)

Audio engineer and instructor for SAE. Writes op/ed commentary supporting Secular Humanist causes, and exposing suppression of women, the poor, and minorities. An advocate for freedom of religion and particularly, freedom of NO religion. Born in the South, raised in the Mid-West and California for a well-rounded view of America; it doesn't look good. Former minister, lifelong musician, Mahayana Zen-Buddhist.

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