1. Pansies: Are what I call a two-fers because when planted in the fall they will continue to grow and bloom, providing you with eight months of color through the winter into spring. I found this out last year from one of the guys at my local nursery. To me, that's a win win. Hardy, full sun, well draining soil, 1 inch of water per week after initial planting. (Zone 6)
2. Rosemary: This most useful culinary staple is one of those aromatic herbs that makes a beautiful ornamental plant as well as add contrast to the garden. Full sun, well-drained soil, drought tolerant. (Zones 7-10)
3. Mint: This refreshing herb is one of the easiest non-fussy plants you can grow with very minimal maintenance that easily transfers from garden to kitchen. Perfect for container gardening in order to keep its aggressive nature in check, and will provide an abundance of mint. Prefers cool, moist soil, partial shade, sun. (Zones 3 - 10)
4. Leadplant: I love the unexpected touch of this ground cover. Its starry flowers makes it an ideal eye-catching variety to blend in with all of the common autumn colors. Bonus: it blooms twice in the fall (blue flowers with leaves that change to that beautiful autumnal red) and it attracts butterflies. Full sun (makes it spread faster) or shade and drought tolerant, well-draining soil. (Zones 5-9)
5. Thyme: Is another one of the easiest perennials to grow. With its little lavender flowers, it's as lovely as it is fragrant - sprinkling your garden with a delicate aroma amidst the warm hues of the season. Full sun, light well-draining soil, (Zones 5-9)
6. Mums: Better known as Chrysanthemums. No fall planting would be complete without what I like to think of as the crowning jewel of the season. I love the high impact of this vibrant plant. Hardy, full sun to partial shade, moist, well-draining soil. (Zones 3-9)