Thursday, October 23, 2014

27 Struggles No One Tells You About Adopting A Dog | シ最愛遲到.!

Finding a new friend isn’t easy.


Well, you’re 90% ready, 10% filled with parental anticipation because you want to be the best owner ever.


This is it. It’s really happening! Your heart is racing, and your home has empty bowls just waiting to be filled with doggy food.

You've stalked dogs online for weeks.

Your friends tell you to stop torturing yourself, but you're just so excited to fall in love.

Keith Kissel / Creative Commons / Via Flickr: kakissel

You have no idea what to expect at the shelter.

Every place has its own personality, like a floor-to-ceiling portrait of their founder by the entrance.

Kasia Galazka / BuzzFeed

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