Saturday, October 6, 2012

Non-Showtunes Sing-Off: 'One Less Bell to Answer' | The Bilerico ...

James Holmes

Filed By James Holmes | October 06, 2012 10:00 AM |

Filed in: Entertainment

Tags: Barbra Streisand, Dionne Warwick, Glee, Kristin Chenoweth, Matthew Morrison, One Less Bell to Answer, Sheryl Crow, Shirley Bassey, Sing-off, The 5th Dimension

5th-Dimension-Portrait.jpgBe prepared to scold me, but I had never heard this song until Glee came along. I even own the 5th Dimension album Portrait on vinyl but had never given it a thorough listening to.

And I know I am going to lose points on my Gay Card for this - but I had never heard Barbra's version until I was putting this post together - hangs head in shame.

But now "One Less Bell to Answer" is one of my favorites and a common duet between my partner and I - whether drunk or not - along with Kristin Chenoweth's Glee version, or my 5th Dimension record. (My apologies to those living in DC's Adams Morgan neighborhood - we often have our windows open and my singing voice is far from stellar, especially when inebriated).

It is really difficult for me to pick a favorite here. Kristin and 5th Dimension are my obvious choices, but after working my way through, Barbra deserves a top spot over Glee.

Dionne Warwick's cover rivals the others as well, and Sheryl Crow, though the weakest in my opinion, has a special place in my heart - we are from the same hometown of Kennett, MO.

As usual, check out the clips after the jump, and let me know who you think did it best. Did I leave anyone out that deserves credit? Post a link in the comments.

Let the sing-off begin.


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