Friday, October 5, 2012

Glee-Cap – “The First Time” | Learn To Dance . – Facebook Fan Page! – Click to Subscribe to ClevverMusic! Hey Gleeks! You’re watching ClevverMusic. I’m Bridget Daly with your Glee-Cap from episode 5, The First Time. In a nutshell, everyone has sex. But we’ll start from the beginning. Blaine pays his old friends at Dalton a visit, and ends up meeting a new Warbler named Sebastian, who is clearly VERY taken with him. Kurt doesn’t like the new friendship, but agrees to go to the town gay bar with Blaine and Sebastian anyway. Meanwhile, Rachel decides she wants to sleep with Finn for the first time, and they agree to meet at his house. But in the moment, Finn gets turned off, learning Rachel’s ulterior motive for sex is to be a better actress in the school musical. Back at McKinley, Artie learns that Coach Beast has a thing for the Ohio State recruiter who comes to town, and plays matchmaker only to learn that the feelings are mutual on his end too! Meanwhile, Mike gets blindsided by his dad in the hall, who learns that he’s doing the musical behind his back. He says as long as he continues singing and dancing, he’s not his son anymore. Speaking of the musical, West Side Story goes off without a hitch on opening night, with Rachel and Blaine doing great in their despite still both being virgins—something that worried Rachel. But each couple—rachel and Finn and Kurt and Blaine—find the perfect moment for their respective first times that very night! We gotta hand it to the show for handling such a


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