Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Glee Break Up Spoilers: Which Couple Will Survive? And What ...

Klaine Breakup GLee 2

Oh no, Gleeks — the shiz slushie is about to hit the fan, come Thursday!

By now, we’re sure you are still coming to terms with how last week’s Glee episode ended off and by the sounds of things, this week is only going to bring MORE tears and heartbreak!

While we previously let you have a listen to the songs from The Break Up ep, we now have some spoilers to hold you over.

The show will FINALLY address where the eff Finn has been so far this season, and will go on to explain what’s been up with his military stint!

However, after four months of being away — and now with Rachel’s super hot NYADA buddy Brody in the picture — is there any hope left for Finchel???

Well, in this upcoming episode, they go on a double date with Klaine, which turns out to be SUPER awkward… and it sounds like Brody has something to do with it!

As for Brittana? Sounds like we’ll be getting plenty of PDA, as promised, and while the two will be reuniting, don’t toss away those tissues just yet!

And if you thought just one of our beloved couples breaking up was enough to send you into a bout of depression, supposedly there’ll be multiple couples calling it quits!

From what we’re hearing, “cheating, being mature and bad timing” are some of the reasons that are behind the separations!!!

We’re also going to be learning a LOT more about newbie Jake, as well as getting visits from McKinley alum, which may lead to some not so happy reunions!

Now with Mr. Schuester’s job on the line, it seems as though the Lima world as we know it is going to get seriously FLIPPED!

Definitely get those tissues ready — we are going to need them for Thursday!!! SO many changes! We don’t think we could possibly EVER be prepared!!!

[Image via FOX.]

Tags: break up, cheating, couple, episode, glee, gleeks, love, military, reunion, separation, spoilers


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