Monday, October 8, 2012

#40: Fiona @gleeandgleeks, @HeyAgrons | Why Glee Saved Me ...

@Klainebows #WhyGleeSavedMe

to Lianna, thanks for asking me to write something here, it really means a lot that you want to hear what other gleeks say, so yay you !

Anyway my name is Fiona, I’m 15 and I’m from Indonesia so apologies for the not so perfect english.

I was roughly 12 when I started watching glee. My mother was the person who introduced me to the amazing show, so thanks mom. It aired in my country a little bit late, so when I started watching it was already a hit show. I remember watching the first episode and thinking : “wow, I feel like this sometimes”. being an outcast since elementary, I get it. I was the number 1 geek throughout elementary and while I wasn’t the weirdest kid in class I was in the “geek” class if that makes any sense, so all my friends who were not my classmates still think of me as some creep who does nothing but study.

I joined school young, and throughout my life I am always the youngest kid in class. So while all my friends matured I stayed childlike and sorta annoying and there are points in my life where I feel so alone. Sometimes I just feel like no one gets me. There are moments where all my friends think of me as annoying and avoid me, but it doesn’t always stays that way. sometimes we all forgive each other and become a tight group again, much like the kids in glee.

I also wasn’t the prettiest girl in class, and there were times when people called me weird, told me I was ugly, and sometimes mean girls would pick on me. There was a point where boys would insult a picture of me and I would just stand there and smile because it didn’t hurt anymore. Glee has taught me how to learn to accept myself for who I am. I don’t have to be beautiful, because the heart is all that matters.

My first impression of glee was that they had great talent, and the fact that they were shining the spotlight on outcasts, I mean not just the characters but also the actors and actresses. Before Glee, Chris Colfer was a kid who is constantly bullied, and I mean casting a variety of races * not that I am racist * opened my eyes.

Watching the show has always made me happy. When I’m down, or when I feel alone I just pick an episode and watch and end up feeling happy and so much better after. Also the songs are mindblowing. They don’t just do hits, they do super old songs and make them sound really really good.

Growing up with music I was always shy at showing people my talent, fearing that I am not good enough. After Glee I started experimenting with music and my voice and while I am not internet famous or anything at least it has gotten me a step forward.

Glee has changed my life. It has showed me that being different doesn’t make you weird. Being different makes you special. and being special isn’t that bad. I mean people might look at you like you are a ghost sometimes but that doesn’t matter.

Feeling special feels really good.

SO I would just like to thank glee so much for changing my life. I mean without glee I would still be that insecure dork who thinks too much of what other people think of me. Be who you are.

Sincerely, a fangirl who fangirls too much on glee and the cast and will someday be married to chord overstreet ;)

by the way : @gleeandgleeks ftw ! follow us :D


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